Barfy's Back (BoInk Returns)


And he's ready to party! In 2008 (WOW, a decade ago) I kicked off a very ambitious free mystery stitch along. The project was an invented illuminated Celtic manuscript from the Book of Ink Circles.  This was in turn shortened to BoInk, because, you know, that is how the internet is.

the Book of Ink Circles

When the initial piece was presented, it consisted of the frame with the knots on the edges and the cat-like gargoyles in the corners. The cats were modeled off a traditional drawing, I might add. Some folks did not care for the cats, others personalized them to their cats' colors, made the eyes wink, added bodies, and such. Inevitably, someone commented they looked like they were barfing. The quartet was then christened Barfy, Spewy, Chuck, and Ralph. Because, you know, it's the internet.

When I upgraded my site, I didn't immediately migrate this page because it was all a hot mess of links and files and images that didn't fit nicely into the templates available from Shopify.

I'm happy to announce that as of today it is back. I've mushed it into one rather large file with all of the pieces, rather than the many odd files in the original format. It's available to download on the Goodies page. It's still free, and I only ask you to be good to each other  in return. Enjoy. 

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