Complimentary Charts & Tutorials & Errata & Conversions
Ink Spot #21 - Pretty Flaky: downloadable after you place an order (12/4/20)
Cancer Ribbon Mandala - updated to be Pattern Keeper friendly, and provide better key to adapt to your choice of ribbon color.

The Book of Ink Circles (also known as BoInk)
Originally published as a year-long mystery stitch along, this Celtic illuminated manuscript page was definitely a fan favorite. It provides plenty of opportunity for customization and exploration.
Little Alien Schoolgirl can be personalized with this: Full Futurama Alphabet
2007 Complimentary Charts - all in one file, and it's big.
2006 Complimentary Charts (Includes the Cancer Awareness Mandala Below) These are all in one big (~5 MB) file.
Conversion notes for the Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon Mandala, shown above:
To use this chart for other awareness ribbon colors, substitute
Sassy - The middle shade of your ribbon color
Raspberry - The darkest of your ribbon colors
Purple Pansy – This is the variegated color that makes the lacy background
Strawberry Shake – The lightest shade of your ribbon color
Sorry, sometimes it happens. Sometimes it is my fault; sometimes a transcriber at a magazine. In all cases, the new printings of the charts I sell have been corrected, but it's still possible to get your hands on the older copies. Errata information will be on the individual product's page.
Will be on the same page as the product.
Coming back soon.