Royals - PDF
Presenting a Rat King and their Queen. Rat kings are an actual but rare phenomena wherein several rats become entangled by their tails. Depending on how tangled and how cooperative the rats are, the condition may or may not be eventually fatal. Fortunately these rats seem only to be loosely twisted up, and apparently enjoying each other’s company and the flowers from their field. A smaller chart is also included for the Rat Queen.
Classic Colorworks Cotton Floss for 2 ply over 2: Autumn Spice, Jakey Brown, Magnolia Blossom, Mariner's Compass, Muddy Puddle, Mulled Berries, Roasted Chestnut, Thundercloud, Vintage Violet, Weeping Willow, and Zach Black. There is a small amount of backstitch required if any of the rat colors don't show up well enough on the background color.
Kreinik Very Fine Braid (#4): Color 5540- 1 ply over 2 for eyes and the Queen's crown:
Fabric: Moonglow 32 ct linen by Picture This Plus for main; Chrysalis 32 for small
Finishing supplies for small: Lady Dot Creates "Wizard" mini pom pom trim
Size: 115 stitches square for main model; small is 48 x 42 stitches
Pattern Keeper note - this chart can be imported into PK, but because the file contains both graphs you will initially get a warning message. PK will ask you to pick which pages are the graph you want. You'll need PK to discard either the main one or the small one, so it can focus on the one you want. Once selected, it works like a charm.