Cirque des Cercles - PDF
Interlocking circles provide a pleasing geometric layout for these stylized floral mandalas. Nature abhors a vacuum, and so do I (I abhorred my Eureka, and am only barely able to tolerate our Hoover Wind-tunnel.) Thus, to avoid big empty spaces, the interstices between circles are filled with smaller circles and so on, and so on, resulting in quite a circus of circles (which just happens to sound cooler in French.)
247 x 185 stitch count.
Just a few stitches shy of the 20,000 stitch mark in a single floss color of your choice (although experienced needleworkers are invited to incorporate multiple colors to customize the design.) You have to pick your own favorite colors.
Ancient history, but I'll leave this note on the page just in case. Errata note: a few early (~2006) printings had these extra stitches: