Ink Circles
Croakworth - PDF
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In 2007, Ink Circles brought you a Quacker-style sampler in the antique tradition of the Quackworth School. It has come to surface that the local amphibians attending the Croakworth School have had a long-standing tradition of their own...
62 x 192 stitch count.
Stitched in Valdani threads on Pear (right) and as a monochrome on Luna (left) linens by Lakeside Linens.
Take a peek at the Quackworth sampler here.
ERRATA: Be it senility, dsylexia, or a DMC color card from the Twilight Zone, somehow the early printed charts have a few non-existent DMC numbers cited as references to the Valdani Colors used. Please note, the Antique Violet color is nearest 3041 and Chimney Dust is nearest 3781. My apologies. - T